Friday, September 13, 2013

Welcome to Kassandra's Chronicle

    Hello and welcome and to Kassandra’s Chronicle, which I hope will be an ongoing chronicle of my adventures in the World of Warcraft.  I had originally intended to start this blog several weeks ago, but due to the dreaded writer’s block, never got around to it.  One of the rules I have set for myself is to mostly limit the blog to my personal experiences in Warcraft, as opposed to an earlier blog of mine that wound up regurgitating various tips and tricks published in other bogs.  This being the first week of patch 5.4, I already have ample things to write about, so let’s get to it.
     Well I am not the best pet battler out there, this is certainly an aspect of the game I enjoy.  Over the last month I have taken a renewed interest in this mini-game and have begun leveling pets again.  I currently have 33 minipets at level 25, and of course the goal is to hit 75 for the achievement.  I have also started auctioning my extras and have found this to be a not bad way to make gold.  I currently have three level 90s (warrior, rogue and paladin) who are decently geared and capable of soloing Kara and Tempest Keep.  One of these days when things are slow, I will look into what (if anything) can be soloed in Serpentshrine and Naxx.
     Running these old raids has already gotten me two extra Lil’ Bad Wolves and an extra Fiendish Imp for auction fodder.  All three of these pets sold within a few days for between 700 and 1500 gold.  This hardly makes me a gold-making master, but the circa 3K in gold was still a nice chunk of easily made money.  One thing that stands out to me, the AH deposit on these little beasties is low, a single silver.  Along with the old raids, I discovered that the Azure Crane Chick drops from looting crane nests on the Timeless Isle.  So far I have managed to get two, one for my collection and one that I auctioned for 800 gold.  My personal estimate of the drop rate on this pet is one per every twenty nests looted (5%), which is probably an optimistic estimate.  It will be interesting to see what the actual drop rate is once there is more data available.  I have also been trying for the pets that drop from the Jademist Dancer and Foreboding Flame mobs on the Timeless Isle, so far I’ve come up empty, but it is only day three of trying.
     The patch has also brought out two more NPCs to engage in pet battles with, Little Tommy Newcomer and the Celestial Tournament.  Defeating Little Tommy is a daily battle which awards 500 timeless coins.  He has one elite pet, a beast named Lil’ Oondasta.  I personally use three mechanical pets for this fight, which seems relatively easy.  Due to limited choices, I use an Anodized Robo Cub, Son of Animus and Robo Chick.  It’s not a pretty fight, but I generally beat the fight on the first try with this line up.  I imagine any three mechanical pets (as they do extra damage versus beasts) will suffice for this fight.  Mechs also get a ‘free shot’ as they instantly resurrect the first time they are killed.  As for the celestial tournament, I haven’t tried it out yet, as I don’t feel I have a decent enough line up of pets for it.
      Over the rest of the week I will be working on leveling more pets.  A list of pets recommended for the celestial tournament can be found here .  I will also looking to pick more duplicate pets for the AH and I’ll keep you posted on how well they sell.  A caveat I should of mentioned earlier is that most of my toons are on a low population server, so keep that in mind when I mention anything related to the game economy.
     So it seems, unintentionally on my part, that this first post has been very pet-centric.  In my next installment, perhaps I will focus more on gearing or perhaps raids.  Then again, maybe I’ll come up with some other main topic that is as of now unbeknown to me.

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