Saturday, October 12, 2013

What's in a name?

   In this installment, I will tell you about the origins of Kassandra, after all, I did promise to be more Kassandra-centric in my ramblings.

   Kassandra in her original incarnation was born into the World of Warcraft as Cassandra (with a C) sometime in 2009 during my deployment to Afghanistan.  Previously my main was Veluna, a shadow priest.  Since starting WoW way back when, I had almost exclusively played as DPS.  All of my alts were damage dealers and Veluna would occasionally heal with mixed results, but was first and foremost a shadow priest.  My deployment brought Veluna’s raiding career to an end.  I was able to play while deployed, but my internet was unstable and on the best of days I was running 1000ms latency.  I am sure I could have been carried to a degree, but being an effective raider was not an option for me during deployment.  Early on though, I noticed I could usually ‘play around’ the horrid lag in 5 mans and overland questing.  It wasn’t optimal, but it was doable.

    I decided that if Veluna couldn’t raid, I would start a new character and play a new role.  Tanking was the easy choice; at least it has some parallels to DPSing.  I purposely chose a character model similar to Vanessa VanCleef.  Then I was stuck for a while on what her (yes I play female toons, almost exclusively) name would be.  I wanted something feminine, but not cutesy.  I wanted something if not original, at least not common.  After much thought, and in some desperation, I chose the name Cassandra.  You will notice that this is Kassandra’s chronicle and the current warrior spells her name with a ‘K’.  That is a long story; maybe I’ll get to it later.

    Names are important to me.  Perhaps it’s my RP background, perhaps it’s just because I couldn’t stand to play a character named ‘Chesseburga’ or ‘Qtpie’ or ‘Faxpaper’, all names I have seen in the game.  Azeroth is a fantasy world, and there is nothing mystical or fantastic about a lame name.  Face it; names are probably important to you.  Who would you rather go on a blind date with, Brittany or Bertha?  I thought so.  In game terms, Brittany would be the female mage, serving as the resident server QT.  Brittany would be sure that everyone knew her status.  Bertha, she is of course the dwarf warrior, played by a man in real life.  I was actually unsure or lukewarm about ‘Cassandra’ but I grew into the name, to the point where I rolled an army of alts with similar names.  At the time I rolled her, I think ever knew one Cassandra in the real world, and she is the kind of person that is easily forgettable the kind of girl that guys just don’t think about at all.  In the here and now I work with a Cassandra, and no she has no idea I have a warcraft character that bears her name.

    So, Cassandra’s early days of tanking went well enough.  It is really hard to screw up leveling in WoW.  I found I like tanking.  It forced me to pay attention to mechanics to a greater degree than DPSing ever did.  It also forced me to pay attention to navigation within instances, and where mobs were and how they pathed.  It taught me leadership, which is probably the most important thing I took from tanking.  It taught me to play a very active role in the success of a group, instead of my former passive mindset.

   I also found that as arms warrior, Cass could DPS with the best of them.  When I returned from Afghanistan, I actually spent more time DPSing then tanking on Cass.

   So, why is there a Kassandra?  What ever happened to Cassandra?  My old guild started going through rough times and thought a server transfer was the panacea to its various ills.  I had Veluna, along with several other max leveled characters.  I couldn’t pay to move them all, so in the end, I left Cassandra behind.  I knew in advance the server we would be moving to and rolled a new warrior, Kassandra in her current incarnation.  With the release of Mists, she surpassed the old Cassandra.  In a twist of irony, the serve transfer did not revitalize my old guild, and Kassandra wound up transferring back to the server Cassandra was on.  Confused yet?  You should be.

    It’s hard to say what the future holds for Kassandra.  As I mentioned earlier, I am not overly happy in my current guild and have begun looking to see what opportunities are elsewhere.  I have mentally given myself a month to mull things over, if I am still not happy then, I will leave my current guild, even if it means I roll guild-less for a time.  I have noticed that warriors don’t seem to be in high demand, either as tanks or melee DPS by raiding guilds.  Nonetheless, I enjoy my warrior, and chasing the favored class is always a losing proposition.  For the foreseeable future I will remain Kassandra the warrior, although I will certainly indulge my alt fetish, just to keep things fresh.

   So, what is in a name?  I spoke earlier about names, and it’s worth going on some more about.  Well we don’t choose the names we are born with (sorry Bertha); we do choose names for our characters.  Since a character’s name is a matter of choice, I have no problem judging you based on your character’s name.  You choose ‘Notatank’ for a name?  You’ll find I have little time for you and little inclination to have much to do with you.   Besides names that are purely obnoxious, like the above examples, there are names that are merely uncreative, overdone or simply lame.  If you ever met a rogue in game named ‘Nightsalker’ you know what I mean.  Nightstalker is probably already taken though, so chances are the stereotype rogue you met was actually ‘Nnighstalker’  or ‘Nytstalker’ or some other ludicrous permutation of a fairly lame and uncreative name.

    For once I am ahead of schedule in my blog.  I have so many ideas floating around in my head; I could probably throw up a post every day for the next week.  I will refrain from this.  Instead I will concentrate a little more on editing and improving my page.  If some of what you have read so far seems like drivel, I offer the defense that when most bloggers begin writing, what they write is drivel, but that drivel slowly improves.

    No promises about what the next post may bring.


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