Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A (very) Brief Update

    I can see it’s been a little while since my last post.  So, even if I can’t get my thoughts organized, I guess I should still write something all the same.  I have been very busy in game, mostly with leveling pets, which has become something of an obsession for me.  I am so obsessed with pets, I am pretty sure that I am pretty sure I am going to experiment with leveling cageable pets and then selling them on the AH, to see if leveled pets sell better or command a higher price.

   I should have led off with the most important piece of news first.  It seems my raiding woes have come to an end.  One of the tanks in team jade (for new readers, this is my guild’s primary raid group) has burnt out.  He approached me and asked if I was up to taking his spot for a while.  I was ecstatic.  This was way more than I had hoped for.  I will now be on a regular three day a week raiding schedule in SoO normal.  On top of that, I will be the only plate wearer in the group.  This is truly a moment in serendipity.  I have no idea why I was approached.  There is a DK in my guild who is both senior to me and better geared than me.  For all I know he was approached first and declined the offer. 

   There is a price to pay, of course.  Our guild also runs flex two nights a week, and I feel the responsibility to attend these raids, as the flex raids are the only chance many have for raiding.  This means I will actually be raiding five nights a week.  I also need to improve my game.  My SoO tanking experience is limited, and normal is definitely a less forgiving place than flex.  On top of this, our guild is finding it hard to continue funding repairs, as the bank is being bled dry.  This means people will need to step up and start doing guild scenario and dungeon runs.  Naturally, I feel this too is something I am responsible to help with.   I am actually looking forward to all this increased activity.

   If I need to work on my tanking game, it at least seems that I am right where I need to be on my pet battle game (the PVE side at least).  I beat the tournament in one go this week and now have my second celestial pet.  I chose Zao, the baby ox.  I felt he had the best appearance of the three celestial pets I had to choose from.  I have also made the beasts of fable part of my daily routine, and have gotten quite a few stones as a result, along with a cache of pet treats.

   Just as I need to organize my writing, I need to come with an organized daily routine and priority list.  So this is my rough draft of such a list:
1.        Run LFRs, at least one a day, until I have collected enough secrets of the empire for the meta-gem in the legendary chain.  I should have this done within a week, unless I really get screwed on the drops.  I have the trillium needed, so after getting enough secrets, all I need do is down Nalak and the Thunder King.   

2.         Continue capping valor every week.  Until I am more comfortable with tanking SoO, spend all valor points on tanking upgrades.

3.         Level one pet to 25 every day.  If time allows continue doing the beasts of fable every day.

4.         Clear Kharazan, Serpentshrine Caverns and Tempest Keep on the three characters I have capable of doing so.  Level, at least partially, any pets obtained from this before posting to the auction house.

5.          Start PvP pet battling.  Aim for at least two matches a day, and record the matches.  Take the weekly PvP pet battle quest.

6.          Continue farming on the Timeless Isle.

This list is in rough order of priority.  I will work on becoming a better and better geared tank first and foremost and then pet collection and sales, followed by breaking into PvP pet battles.   Timeless Isle is pretty low on the priority list, which will take getting used to, as up until now, it was the first thing I did when logging on.  My alts will fall by the wayside for a while.

   Not the most exciting or insightful of posts, but like I said, it’s been over a week since my last post and I wanted to keep momentum going.

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